燃烧的细胞 (2021) 竹条,染色纸,砂子 200 X150 X120cm
‘燃烧的细胞’审视工业化,科技发展给人性带来的影响。生活在这个信息科技革命的年代享着科技进步的我们,盯着手机刷屏的我们,在996的时间表中奔忙的我们,是否还有时间抬起头 仰望天空,思考一下:“在这个过程中我们得到了什么?我们失去了什么?”

Burned Paper,Bamboo Strip.53 x 95 x 55cm.

Burned Paper,Bamboo Strip.53 x 95 x 55cm.(Detailed Photo)

Burned Paper, Wooden Frame,Wire,Ink on Paper, Branches, Incense. Mixed Media Variable Dimensions. (Detailed Photo)

Burned Paper,Bamboo Strip.53 x 95 x 55cm.
Burned Cells (2018)
"Burned Cells" series examined the impact of gene science and technology to the human being, it's also a direct reflection of the scientific issue that World's first Gene-edited babies created in China in 2018. Through the installations of damaged enlarge cells catch people's attention and provide them a space to consider what role did science play in this issue, what the future of humanity will be within the technology blooming era.